Sunday, April 24, 2011

5 Barrel Super Blaster Soaker Water Squirt Gun

5 Barrel Super Blaster Soaker Water Squirt Gun Review

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5 Barrel Super Blaster Soaker Water Squirt Gun Feature

Ok lets get serious here, more doesn't always equal better. But in the world of squirt guns more barrels equals more awesome. Introducing the 5 Barrel Super Water Blaster. That's right, this bad boy comes with a shocking 5 barrels. But one might say 5 barrels is too dangerous.... dangerously awesome that is. This incredible gun has the 5 barrels angled out so it has the potential of soaking 5 people simultaneously. The 5 barrels give you a much larger area in which you can soak a friend compared to a single barreled squirt gun. The 5 Barrel Super Water Blaster is easy to use, just put water in the tank and pump the gun to build pressure and you are good to go. So what are you waiting for? 5 barrels is obviously better than 1 barrel. Never be outgunned on the water gun battlefield. Length: 27 Inches

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